Российские банки: аналитика и комментарии



This is a shorter version of the Russian site:
Russian banks: analytics and comments


Special Report: Russian Banking: High Potential, Even Higher Risks

Russia Journal: Liquidity flows in with oil for financial institutions

Visit "Publications" menu to see some articles on Russian banks by Mikhail Matovnikov, PhD, Deputy Director General of Interfax rating agency, Chief expert of Center for Economic Analysis of Interfax information agency, formerly researcher at Russian leading economic institutes. Much more articles are available only in Russian.
See "Forthcoming" to find announces of articles and books on Russian banking to be published in English soon.
"Interfax" presents an INTERFAX-100 family of banking products of Center for Economic Analysis - Worthy source of information (both statistical and analytical) on individual Russian banks and Russian banking system in general.
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News of the site

March 21, 2014 References:
Torrey Clark Central Bank Sees The End of an Era. /The Moscow Times, March 21, 2014.

March 20, 2014 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva State to Pay for VTB With Bonds. /The Moscow Times, March 20, 2014.
Victoria Lavrentieva 4 More Foreign Banks Coming Onto Market. /The Moscow Times, March 18, 2014.

February 15, 2014 References:
Valeria Korchagina Interros Merges No. 7 Rosbank With MFK. /The Moscow Times, Feb. 15, 2014.

January 31, 2014 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva Deutsche Bank Lends VEB $100M. /The Moscow Times, Jan. 31, 2014.

January 28, 2014 References:
Torrey Clark VTB Head Says Putin Gives Nod To Sell-Off. /The Moscow Times, Jan. 28, 2014.

January 22, 2014 References:
Valeria Korchagina Keystone Probe Leads to the Grave. /The Moscow Times, Jan. 22, 2014.

January 17, 2014 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva Chocolate Sale Leaves Germany Steaming. /The Moscow Times, Jan. 17, 2014.

January 11, 2014 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva Putin Tells PM: Sell VTB Stake to EBRD. /The Moscow Times, Jan. 11, 2013.

December 18, 2013 Russian Focus: "International Accounting Standards for russian banks"
The transition of accounting practices of the Russian banks to International Accounting Standards (IAS) has long been on the agenda, but there are only very few banks who are actually introducing them in practice. IAS are not a cure in terms of quality reflection of the financial state of the banks, and the transition to IAS is just an important step in providing better information to creditors. In contrary to popular belief, the capital of banks that implement IAS dropped by only 11 percent, and it was even higher in 14 of the 30 banks that use IAS than when they implemented the Central Bank procedures.
Russia's Central Bank Program for banking sector reform says that all banks must start introducing IAS in 2004. However, many banks, particularly those who seek to attract foreign capital, have already started the program.
Interfax conducted a poll among auditing companies to find out the number of banks using IAS. According to data from big five firms (Andersen, Deloitte & Touche, Earnst & Young, KPMG, and Price-waterhouseCoopers) only 129 banks amounted used IAS in 2000.

December 10, 2013 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva Big Fish in A Small Pond. /The Moscow Times, Dec. 10, 2013.

December 06, 2013 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva, Kirill Koriukin Central Bank Wins Out In Sector Reform Battle. /The Moscow Times, Dec. 06, 2013.

December 05, 2013 References:
Moody's Upgrades 6 Major Banks. /The Moscow Times, Dec. 05, 2013.
Victoria Lavrentieva Some Russian Companies Just Never Die. /The Moscow Times, Dec. 05, 2013.

November 19, 2013 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva Report Sheds Light On Vneshtorg Sale. /The Moscow Times, Nov. 19, 2013.

November 14, 2013 References:
Torrey Clark Avtobank Aims to Boost Retail Business. /The Moscow Times, Nov. 14, 2013.

November 12, 2013 References:
Torrey Clark Ministry Calls for Sberbank Revamp. /The Moscow Times, Nov. 11, 2013.
Valeria Korchagina, Kirill Koriukin and Alla Startseva The New Face of Russia's Oligopoly. /The Moscow Times, Nov. 01, 2013.

October 24, 2013 References:
Victoria Lavrentieva EBRD in Talks for 20% of Vneshtorg. /The Moscow Times, Oct. 24, 2013.

October 10, 2013 Published: "Russia's Post-Communist Economy" //Granville B., Oppenheimer P. (eds.) - London: 2013. - Chapter "The Banking System" was written by Michael Dimitrieff, Mikhail Matovnikov, Leonid Mikhailov, and Ludmila Sycheva.

October 05, 2013 References:
Pavel Miledin, Svetlana Novolodskaya, Torrey Clark and Kirill Koriukin Deripaska Grabs Bank, Insurer. /The Moscow Times, Oct. 05, 2013.

September 28, 2013 References:
Kirill Koriukin Cabinet Gives Nod To Bank Reform. /The Moscow Times, Sept. 28, 2013.

September 25, 2013 New services:
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September 17, 2013 References:
Torrey Clark Fixing Broken Banking. /The Moscow Times, Sept. 17, 2013.

September 11, 2013 References:
Torrey Clark CB Readies To Divest From Bank. /The Moscow Times, Sept. 11, 2013.
Torrey Clark FT's Magazine Says Gazprombank N1. /The Moscow Times, Sept. 11, 2013.

September 06, 2013 References:
Kirill Koriukin and Alla Startseva Stronger FEC Ready to Raise Tariffs. /The Moscow Times, Sept. 06, 2013.

September 5, 2013 INTERFAX-100: "ALL RUSSIAN BANKS" - Indicators for all 1313 Russian banks as of March 31, 2013 - Assets, Capital, Profit. First of 22 tables of Interfax-100 report.
INTERFAX-100: Banking System Survey - Results of 2012.

September 04, 2013 References:
Torrey Clark Miller Tightens Grip on Gazprom. /The Moscow Times, Sept. 04, 2013.

August 30, 2013 References:
Torrey Clark Banks Say Plan Will Create Monopoly /The Moscow Times, Aug. 30, 2013.

August 21, 2013 References:
Torrey Clark State's First Laundering Case Goes To Court. /The Moscow Times, Aug. 20, 2013.

July 18, 2013 References:
Moskau unternimmt erste Schritte im Kampf gegen die Geldmafia. /Handelsblatt, 6. Juli 2013. - in German.

June 8, 2013 Changes in Contact information - New position and phone numbers.

April 17, 2013 Russia Journal: "Liquidity flows in with oil for financial institutions" - Survey of Russian banking in 2000.

April 15, 2013 English version of the site was opened.

© Mikhail Matovnikov, 2013



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